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What is Ziwei Doushu

Ziwei Doushu Destiny Reading

Ziwei Doushu is a Chinese Metaphysic study that dates back over 1000 years. It is part of the 5 Chinese Metaphysics Arts (中华玄学五术), namely Ascetism (山), Chinese Medicine (医), Destiny Reading (命), Divination (扑) and Physiognomy (相). Ziwei Doushu belongs to the Destiny Study (命学) section. Apart from Ziwei Doushu, another popular Destiny Study is Bazi (八字), which looks at the Yin-Yang relationship of the 5 elements in the 4 pillars (year, month, date and time of birth). While Ziwei Doushu looks at the position of the astrological map (Star Mapping) obtained from the calculation of the Lunar calendar (阴历) of the year, month, date and hour of one’s birth. By understanding Ziwei Doushu, each person is expected to know more about who they are, what is the vision and mission that must be completed in their lives, and they can see this life in a broader perspective to maximize their potential in seizing opportunities and resolving obstacles in their lives.

Which year Ziwei Doushu was created is difficult to trace. Some scholars claim that it originated from Great Grandmaster Lv Dong Bin (呂洞賓), one of the Eight Immortals (八仙) in the legends of Taoism during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD). He then taught it to Chen Tuan (陳摶) who was also a Taoist Master and founder of the Hua Shan (华山派) sect in the Song dynasty (960-1279 AD). It was further developed by the next generation of Bai Yu Chan (白玉蟾) and Wu Jing Luan (吳景鸞). All the work and research of these Grandmasters is well documented in the Taoist Canon, Zheng Liu Daozang (正統道藏). Most experts agree that the Flying Star Ziwei Doushu technique or the so-called 18 Flying Stars is the original version of Ziwei Doushu and this is written in the Taoist Canon documented by Zhang Guo Xiang (张国祥).

Ziwei Doushu is also known as Purple Star Astrology in modern times. There are 2 methods of analysis in Ziwei Doushu, namely Flying Star Ziwei Doushu (四化象数派) and San He Ziwei Doushu (三合星辰派). In the Flying Star Ziwei Doushu the number of astrological stars used is 18 hence it is also called 18 Flying Stars (十八飞星), while the San He Ziwei Doushu uses 108 stars which are divided into several levels of stars (primary, secondary, etc). The method we emphasize is the Flying Star Ziwei Doushu because it is more accurate and easy to use. In the knowledge of Ziwei Doushu we can see 12 sectors which I then divide into 8 kinds of life aspects, namely:

  1. Personality aspects : Who are you? What are your strengths and weaknesses? What are you looking for in life? What is your purpose and mission for being born in this world? What things make you happy and sad?
  2. Family Life Aspects : what were the circumstances of your youth? Who are your parents? How did you get through your childhood? How is your relationship with your parents? What is the condition of your property?
  3. Household Life Aspects : how is your relationship with your life partner? Who is your true life partner? Are there any challenges that you have to overcome in your household life?
  4. Child Life Aspects : How is your relationship with your child? Are there any particular problems with your children that you should know about? Why is it difficult for you to have children? Will the child be a person who can help the parents in the future?
  5. Social Life Aspects : how is your relationship with your community or friends? Do the people around you benefit or harm you? Can you become a well-known and respected figure?
  6. Health condition aspect : what are your health problems? In the course of your life are there any incidents that could possibly happen?
  7. Working Conditions aspect : what are the conditions of your work or business? Are there opportunities and threats that you should be aware of? What business field is most relevant to you? Who brings problems to your work and business? Are you more suited to become an employee or entrepreneur?
  8. Financial Condition aspect : what is your current and future financial condition? Are there opportunities and threats that you should be aware of? Where do your financial resources come from? Who can bring trouble in terms of your finances?

All of the above questions can be answered with the knowledge of Ziwei Doushu with a high degree of accuracy. And from the results of our experience in this field for more than 15 years, at least 70% can answer all of the above questions accurately.

Can we change Destiny?

The answer is Yes, of course you can! That is precisely what the knowledge of Destiny Reading (算命) was created for. Why? We have the following formula:

good bad

I borrowed a business theory from Albert Humphrey an academic at Stanford University who created the SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity & Threat) analysis, where :

  • STRENGTH is our advantages, what are our positives, how we think and act, what are our skills, and all the internal factors that support us..
  • WEAKNESS is our shortcomings, what are our negatives, what ways of thinking and acting have been holding us back from progressing, what you lack but is important for you to have and all the other internal factors that are holding you back.
  • OPPORTUNITY is when does the opportunity come, where should we place ourselves to get that opportunity.
  • THREAT is when will the problem come and under what conditions will it come.

In other words, when you have enough Strength, then when the opportunity comes, that’s when you start to rise. Vice versa when you have a weakness that is not immediately addressed then a threat comes, that’s when you fall! And you must remember that the strength and weakness factors all come from ourselves (internal) not from outside factors (external), which is why in the end of the day we are responsible for our own DESTINY! Fix your bad character! Fix your wrong way of thinking! Sharpen your skills and talents!

This way, once you know how your life looks like, you will know how to behave and live your life in order to ‘get through’ all the challenges and become a better person and know where to come from and where to go next. As the Chinese proverb goes, “We can tell if it’s going to rain today by looking at the clouds, but whether we’ll get wet in the rain is up to us!”.